Thriving in Warmer Climates Where They are Dry and Protected
Thriving in Warmer Climates Where They are Dry and Protected
Another aspect of the opossum that makes possum removal important is the number of these marsupials in the southern regions of the United States. While they can live almost anywhere, they thrive in warmer climates.
Unlike other pests, opossums do not require particular circumstances for nesting. Jacks and Jills — and their babies, Joeys — can set up camp in a building, hole, stump, tree… almost any location that keeps them relatively dry and gives them protection from predators.
It’s this ability to adapt to circumstances that can make opossum removal and control difficult. It’s their nocturnal and rarely quiet habits that make them such a nuisance. With their relatively large bodies — they are about the size of a cat but can weigh twice as much — and their lumbering, indelicate gait, opossums are not quiet when they move around at night and their foraging for food means they can keep you up late into the night and early into the morning.